Bloomsburg University hosts soil scientists
The Department of Environmental, Geographical and Geological Sciences hosted an all-day technical session for the Pennsylvania Association of Professional Soil Scientists.

The Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental, Geographical and Geological Sciences (EGGS) hosted an all-day technical session on Friday, July 23, for the Pennsylvania Association of Professional Soil Scientists (PAPSS). The event was organized by BU assistant professor Rebecca Bourgault.
Members of PAPSS, including environmental and engineering consultants, USDA employees, educators, and students observed and discussed several of the permanent soil pits on BU’s Upper Campus.
PAPSS hosts one field tour per year, which is an important way for members to connect and exchange ideas. Attendees were very interested to learn about the soil types and geology found on campus and geophysical bedrock mapping. They were also interested to hear about the new soil science minor and curriculum in EGGS.