Auditor General DeFoor Visits CU-Lock Haven to Highlight Career Opportunities, Urge Students to Be Smart with Money

Lock Haven


Auditor General Timothy L. DeFoor recently met with students from Lock Haven University’s Stephen Poorman College of Business to discuss ways they can help their communities become financially literate, as well as future career opportunities within the Department of Auditor General.

“Today’s college students are the auditors of the future, and by working together we can create a more financially secure and successful commonwealth,” DeFoor said. “We are looking for individuals who have a passion for accounting and public service to join our team. Working in the public sector is so rewarding and comes with many benefits, both tangible and intangible.”

Auditor General DeFoor said that because a significant number of his current employees will be eligible for retirement within the next few years, recruiting qualified job candidates is among the top priorities for the transformation initiative he launched to better serve taxpayers.

In addition to recruiting prospective employees, the Auditor General is making students aware of the importance of financial literacy. 

“Understanding how your money is being spent is one of the most important lessons a young person can learn in order to set themselves up for future financial success,” DeFoor said. “It’s also important to know where the money coming out of your paychecks is going. As young adults, and taxpayers, you need to know the people you elected to office are held accountable for how they spend your money– which is exactly what our department does.”

Auditor General DeFoor launched the Be Money Smart initiative in late 2021 to emphasize the need for financial literacy in Pennsylvania and highlight resources that are available for Pennsylvanians to use in order to build their personal financial security. DeFoor has already visited several universities and will continue to promote the initiative to students at higher education institutions in the future. 

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