Ambivert personality research hits national stage



Rebecca Slutsky has a chameleon-like personality, an extrovert one minute and then introverted the next … all depending on the situation. Coincidently, fellow Bloomsburg University College of Students Affairs graduate student Michael Sloboda considers himself the same.

So it made perfect sense the two would team up for research, which they will showcase on a national stage this spring at the NASPA Annual Conference in Philadelphia. The conference will bring together a global gathering of more than 5,000 student affairs administrators in higher education who are passionate about important higher education issues.

The pair is researching the ambivert personality trait, which is the trait that individuals who are both extroverted and introverted possess, depending on their environment.

“Michael and I started this research because we wanted to see what else is out there,” Slutsky said. “This ties into my professional interest, because I’m always interacting with students who are either introverted or extroverted. I did not know there was a grey area to these personalities. With this research, I will be able to understand and best help students who are ambiverts, along with be a support to them while they are in college.”

Sloboda has both excited, competitive, and compassionate feelings towards their research and the conference. According to him, the conference is the largest gathering of professionals in their field, and it gives them the chance to present to their colleagues from all across the nation. It’s an extremely competitive process to be accepted as a presenter, and it will allow the pair to stand out as they prepare their future career searches.

“We both believe more attention should be brought to the ambivert personality trait in student affairs, and we believed presenting at the largest conference in our field would be the perfect way to do so,” Sloboda said. “I’m excited to attend other educational sessions and learn more about emerging topics in student affairs.”

According to Slutsky, BU’s CSA program has opened many doors for her and has prepped her for collaboration with those outside of her functional area, being able to see different perspectives of student affairs. She and Sloboda are researching under the guidance of Mindy Andino, assistant professor of teaching and learning.

“I can’t begin to explain how the opportunities the CSA program provides have prepared me for the field,” Sloboda said. “I have had such supportive professors every step of the way.”

Sloboda says the program has helped him pursue a wide array of professional development opportunities, ranging from applying for competitive internships, presenting at national conferences, and completing research projects.

“After going through the program and working through this research, I feel like I’ve been equipped with the skills necessary to succeed as a student affairs practitioner and make a positive impact on student’s lives,” Sloboda said.

