Students enrolled in either the Nursing, Radiologic Technology or Respiratory Care programs start their coursework on the main campus and then complete their studies at the Guthrie Healthcare System Medical Campus in Sayre, PA.

Robert Packer Housing

Student housing at the Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital

Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital

Students enrolled in either the Nursing, Radiologic Technology or Respiratory Care programs start their coursework on the main campus and then complete their studies at the Guthrie Healthcare System Medical Campus in Sayre, PA.

For additional information and questions, contact Taylor Donahue, Assistant Director of Residence Life, at or 570-662-4944.


Optional housing is offered at the Sayre site of Guthrie Healthcare System / Robert Packer Hospital location for our Sayre students.

Students enrolled in either the Nursing, Radiologic Technology or Respiratory Care programs start their coursework on the main campus and then complete their studies at the Guthrie Healthcare System Medical Campus in Sayre, PA.

We offer one floor of co-ed housing, with both single and double rooms. Trained student staff members aid the Director of Sayre Student Services in providing a safe and engaging student experience.

Room dimensions
  • Double: 12' 7" x 11' 11"
  • Single: 7' 1" x 10' 5"

A small, communal kitchen is available to all students residing at the Guthrie Healthcare System / Robert Packer Hospital location.

An optional meal plan through the hospital cafeteria is available for both on- and off-campus students. Similar to the main campus, monies are put on the student’s ID card at the start of the semester, with purchased items being deducted from the total. The Sayre meal plan is not transferrable to the main campus.

Illustration of Mountain
Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital

Housing Information

Illustration of Mountain

Rates & Fees

All room assignments are made by the Assistant Director of Residence Life for Robert Packer Housing. A Housing Request Form will be distributed to all students. Anyone wishing to reserve a room in the Residence Hall should complete the online form and submit it by the date indicated.

If a room change is desired, the student(s) involved must contact a member of the residence life staff (RAs or AD) to request permission.

Many residents will have a roommate. To request a specific roommate, email the AD of Residence Life or indicate the roommate preference on the housing request form.

Housing Rate
  • $3,585 per semester (single or double)
Dining Rate
  • $792 per semester
Housing Rate
  • TBD
Dining Rate
  • TBD

Safety & Amenities

Academic classrooms are located in the Patterson Building, adjacent to the Education Center. A simulation lab and radiology classroom are also provided.

Club Guthrie is located on the first floor of the Education Center and was recently renovated. Club Guthrie offers access to a small fitness center with cardio equipment, free weights, and a universal machine. A completed Club Guthrie waiver form must be submitted to the Employee Wellness Office for access to be granted.

Mansfield also partners with a local fitness center to provide additional opportunities to the Sayre students. This membership is covered through the Student Services Fee assessed to all students.

Each room is equipped with a built-in sink, a wardrobe, a counter area, a twin-sized bed, and desk. Single room dimensions are 7’1” x 10’ 5”, and double rooms are 12’ 7” x 11’ 11”.

Parking is free to all Sayre students at two designated parking lots located about 1 mile from the hospital campus. Shuttle service is available.

All students enrolled in the educational programs located in Sayre must register their cars with hospital security. This includes commuter students. Car registration forms can be obtained through the security office.

Residential students are designated to utilize the Hangar Lot parking on Thomas Ave. And use the shuttle system to travel back and forth from the Guthrie buildings. Do not park in patient parking while in class or clinical.

Any vehicle not parked in a lined space, properly designated lot, or parked in the wrong lot will be considered illegally parked. Parking on the surrounding streets is not permitted, and violators may be issued a $25.00 ticket or a $5.00 meter ticket. These are issued by the borough.

Questions related to the parking policy may be addressed to the Director of Safety and Security at Guthrie Healthcare System.

All students studying in Sayre are issued a Guthrie ID badge. This badge allows access to the Education Center building, which is locked 24/7. Students residing on the residence floor will have additional access granted to them. The hospital security office is available 24/7, in case of an emergency. Student staff members also reside on the floor and can be contacted to assist any residential student.

Guthrie Healthcare System has a uniformed security force that routinely makes rounds throughout the building. Residents are responsible for locking their doors when they leave the building. Respect should be shown to all staff and Security Officers at all times.

Security cameras have been installed in designated areas throughout the building, including the 5th floor residence.

Mansfield maintains two computer labs at the Sayre site. Students follow the same procedure as the main campus for printing.


Students in Robert Packer Housing are expected to follow all residence hall policies detailed here, as well as University policies in the Commonwealth University Student Code of Conduct. A student who violates University or residence hall policies will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

The consumption or possession of alcohol is prohibited in the residence hall or anywhere on the hospital premises, regardless of age. Students in violation of this policy will be required to turn the alcohol over for disposal and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Animals or pets of any kind, with the exception of fish, are not allowed in or around the residence hall.

Cooking is not permitted in student rooms. This includes the use of microwave ovens, hot pots, hot plates, frying pans, toaster ovens, crock pots, and air fryers. Students can use these items in the community kitchen only. Microwaves are provided in lounge areas but are prohibited in individual rooms.

Coffee makers with automatic shutoff are permitted in student rooms. Small refrigerators are allowed in student rooms but are limited to one per student and must be under 5 cubic feet. Students are responsible for any damage caused by the refrigerator.

All electronic equipment, including extension cords, must be in good working order and cords may not be frayed, worn, or loose.

Halogen lightbulbs are not permitted to be used in student rooms.

Please turn off lights when not in use.

An outdoor bike rack is located outside the School of Nursing building for the storage of bicycles. Bicycles may not be attached to any parts of the building and may not block entrances or exits.

Self-propelled personal transportation including electronic skateboards, self-balancing boards/scooters, and similar equipment are not permitted to be stored, used, or charged in the residence hall due to the potential fire hazard.

The residence hall closes and opens according to University and Program calendars. Specific check-in and check-out dates will be provided to students. When the residence hall closes, students are required to vacate their rooms by the deadlines indicated. Any student staying past the required deadline must have the permission of the Assistant Director of Residence Life. Students may be billed for staying past closing deadlines. Upon vacating the residence hall, students are expected to clean their rooms and return them to their original layout.

All rooms are checked for condition prior to students moving in. If students find any damages upon their arrival, they must email the Assistant Director of Residence Life within 48 hours to report the damages, or they may be billed in the future. Rooms will be inspected by residence life staff at the end of the semester/upon students vacating their rooms. If any damages are found, or furniture is missing, during these inspections, the occupant will be billed accordingly. Students should report damages/maintenance issues in their room as they occur in order to facilitate ongoing repair.

Residents may decorate their rooms using approved methods only (command strips only). Contact paper, wall stickers, tacks, nails, and hooks may not be used. Decorations may not obstruct safety equipment, hallways, or doors/doorways. LED Strip lights cannot be affixed to the wall with anything other than command strips. The provided adhesive on the back of these lights will cause wall damage.

Residents and their guests are required to comply with state and local statutes, as well as University and residence hall rules concerning possession and use of prescription and illegal drugs. The University prohibits the manufacturing, possessing, selling, transmitting, using or being a party to any illegal drug, controlled substance, or drug paraphernalia (hookah, bowl, etc.) on University premises, including the residence halls, or at University- sponsored activities. Any violation may result in disciplinary action as well as being subject to applicable federal, state, and local laws.

The use, possession, storage, or cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes is prohibited for all individuals on all Commonwealth University - Mansfield properties and instructional locations, including, but not limited to the facilities at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pennsylvania. Medical marijuana (cannabis) use is also prohibited at all Commonwealth University - Mansfield sponsored, conducted, or authorized events and activities held off campus. The federal government regulates drugs through numerous laws, including the Controlled Substance Act, the Drug Free Workplace Act, and the Drug Free Schools & Communities Act as codified under the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations [EDGAR Part 86]. These laws do not recognize the difference between medicinal and other uses of marijuana (cannabis), which is classified as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. Commonwealth University - Mansfield must abide by and certify it is in compliance with all federal laws and regulations in order to be eligible to receive federal funding through Title IV in the form of student financial aid (grants, loans, and work-study program), as well as other forms of federal funding, such as research or program grants like TRiO. Students and employees who violate this policy may be subject to campus sanctions and federal penalties.

University staff members will generally enter a residence hall room within the following parameters:

  • concerns of serious threat to the safety or wellbeing of persons or property;
  • when behaviors or activities occurring in a room are disruptive to other residents, and occupants of the room are not present or have not responded to requests to open the door;
  • to perform routine maintenance, complete repairs, or conduct regular room inspections;
  • During building emergencies such as fire alarms, fires, tornadoes, or electrical/plumbing malfunctions.
  • When instructed to by an authorized police officer.
  • With the permission of an assigned student.
  • Upon the issuance of an administrative search warrant.

Upon entering a room, staff members may confiscate and document items that constitute violations of law or University rules, regulations, and policies. These items must be in plain, unobstructed view of the staff member or be in their line of sight while handling a possible violation. Police personnel may also be called when appropriate. Confiscated items (e.g., prohibited cooking appliances, candles, etc.) not in violation of local, state, and federal laws

may be returned to the owner when appropriate. University staff members will not routinely admit a third party to another person’s assigned room or apartment without the consent of an occupant. State and federal law governs the protocol for entry into and/or search of campus rooms when enforcing criminal statutes. Such entry is normally the responsibility of police personnel. The issuance of an administrative search warrant is typically based on reasonable cause. Reasonable cause is less than certainty and more than mere suspicion that the search of a particular dwelling will disclose specific evidence. Absent exigent circumstances, administrative searches must have the advance approval of the Associate Vice President of Student Success and Campus Life or their designee. Once approval is received, persons entering a dwelling should announce themselves and their purpose. A lack of response from within the dwelling in a reasonable amount of time may justify the use of a master key to enter the premises. The search for evidence justifies intrusion only into the areas of the dwelling where such items may be found. Violations discovered during this administrative action will be subject to referral to the Office of Student Conduct.

Candles, incense, and open flames are prohibited. Tampering with emergency equipment is prohibited. Explosive or flammable liquids or material of any nature are not permitted in the residence hall.

In the event of a fire alarm in the hall—once it has been determined that the alarm is for the residential building—all residents must evacuate immediately. Students who fail to leave the building during a fire alarm will face disciplinary action.

In the event the fire alarm goes off, wear hard-soled shoes and travel to the nearest exit.

Guests are permitted until 11:00 PM daily Sunday-Thursday, and may stay overnight on weekends (Friday & Saturday). Guests must observe all rules and regulations of the residence hall, including quiet hours. Visitors must not interfere with a roommate’s privacy and preferences.

Guests must be escorted by their host at all times, including when the guest is leaving. Guests should not be swiped onto the 5th floor without their host student.

Each student is issued a Guthrie Healthcare system ID card, which is to be carried at all times. This card allows students to access the residence hall on the 5th floor, all building entrances, the Mansfield computer labs, the fitness room, the library, and the Nursing Skills Lab.

Students’ Commonwealth University IDs enable them to access University events and for library use. The card is to be produced when requested by a university/hospital official.

Both cards may be used in the Health Center to verify student status, and at the contracted fitness center.

Lost cards must be replaced immediately. Please report to the GHS Human Resources Department and ask to obtain a replacement card. You will obtain a new ID and new ID number, which could be reported to the AD. Your old ID card will be de-activated.

Do not give your ID card to anyone else to use for any reason. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

Lost keys should be reported to the RAs or AD immediately. You must pay $5.00 for a replacement key.

For students' convenience, a kitchen is located on the floor. Each student who uses the kitchen is responsible for keeping it clean. Food left in the kitchen is the responsibility of the student who leaves it there. All dishes are to be cleaned after each use by the students and stored in the cupboards or their rooms. Any dirty dishes left in the kitchen for more than 24 hours will be thrown away.

Furniture in lounge areas is not to be removed from the lounges for any reason.

The floor has a laundry room with washers and dryers. Only residents of the hall are permitted to use these laundry facilities.

Mailboxes are located on the second level, next to the main office. Mail is delivered once per day, except on weekends. Packages may be collected at the front desk from the RAs.

You will receive a mailbox number and combination upon move-in.

Your mailing address is:
Your First & Last Name (Box Number)
Guthrie/Mansfield Education Center
One Guthrie Square
Sayre, PA 18840

Commonwealth University - Mansfield is committed to providing a work, educational and residential environment free of unlawful discrimination for its students, employees and campus community members. It is imperative that all employees, students and community members of Commonwealth University - Mansfield comply with both the spirit and intent of federal, state and local laws, government regulations, court orders and Commonwealth University - Mansfield and Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education policies which prohibit discrimination. In addition, all administrators, faculty, staff and students share a continuing responsibility to behave in a manner which ensures a work, educational and living environment that is free of discrimination. It is the purpose of this policy to set clear expectations for a discrimination free environment, define discrimination, assign responsibilities for ensuring an environment free of discrimination, and provide procedures for handling charges of discrimination, including sexual discrimination and misconduct.

The entire Guthrie campus, including the residence hall and parking lots, are tobacco-free.

Students are responsible for their conduct at all times, and are responsible for the conduct of their guests, as well as visitors in their rooms.

For the comfort of everyone, and to facilitate an environment conducive to studying, quiet hours are in effect between 10 PM and 8 AM Sunday through Thursday. Courtesy Hours are in effect at all times. If a student finds that another student(s) noise is disruptive, they should first ask the student(s) to be mindful of their noise. If the student(s) remain disruptive, they can ask the RAs for additional support.

During final exams week, Residence Life staff will institute and strictly enforce 24-hour quiet hours.

Vandalism is any intentional behavior which causes damage. Willful destruction or defacement of any personal or University or Guthrie Healthcare System property is prohibited and may require restitution from the individual(s) responsible.

The term weapon encompasses any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, intimidate, cause injury, or incapacitate, including, but not limited to: the possession or use of items such as any firearm, illegal knives (non- folding with blades over 3" in length), club, or any other weapon (not restricted to legal definitions) that may be hazardous to the health or safety of residents.

This also includes, but is not limited to: rifles, pistols, shotguns, pellet guns, airsoft/paintball guns, BB guns, Orbeez gel blasters (and other similar products), taser/stun guns, bows and arrows, sling shots, martial arts weapons such as nun chucks or throwing stars, axes, machetes, swords, spears, 3" in length), double-edged blades, or switchblades. These items are not permitted in the residence hall.

Residents found violating any part of this rule may be subject to both University and criminal charges and may be removed from university housing.

A wireless network has been established for Mansfield students in Robert Packet Housing. The network login will be shared with students during move-in.

Windows must remain closed at all times due to the climate control system.


The Assistant Director of Residence Life (AD) for Robert Packer Housing is a full-time professional staff member based on the Mansfield campus. The AD’s responsibilities include housing operations administration including room assignments and key distribution, supervising student staff, overseeing programming budgets allocated from Student Activity Fees, and assisting students with concerns.

The overall goal of a Resident Assistant is to serve as a peer educator and helper while facilitating the personal and academic growth and development of residential students. RAs are hired on the basis of leadership experiences, interpersonal skills, interest in working with students to develop a positive floor/hall community, and willingness to be actively involved in their own personal growth and development.

The Department Administrative Assistant is a part-time position with an office located on the 2nd floor. The administrative assistant services as an assistant to the faculty and program directors. The administrative assistant will also help sort the daily mail and is available to assist students with package pickups.

These trained professionals are employed by the Guthrie Healthcare System to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all employees, students, visitors, and patients. They are on staff 24/7 to assist you and to enforce all rules. To reach the Guthrie Security Officers, call 570-887-4207.

There are custodians working throughout the residence hall, providing cleaning in public areas including the hallways and bathrooms. Please assist the custodial staff by cleaning up after yourself, especially in kitchen and lounge areas.

Radiologic technology students learn imaging techniques at Commonwealth University-Mansfield's, formerly Mansfield University, clinical site in Sayre.

Health Sciences Student Government Association

The Health Sciences Student Government Association was established to enhance the welfare and common interest of the students studying at the Sayre Site of Commonwealth University - Mansfield Campus. The main function is to provide programming opportunities to the nursing and health professions students residing and studying in Sayre. Activities and events are funded by a percentage of the monies collected through the Mansfield College Community Services Inc. (CCSI) on a yearly basis. Meetings well held bi-weekly, both in-person and via Zoom. Representatives from all of the three majors doing coursework in Sayre are encouraged to participate.

Illustration of Mountain

Additional Resources