Aerial photo for the Jessica Kozloff Apartment Complex

Jessica S. Kozloff Apartments

Apartment Complex

The Jessica S. Kozloff Apartment Complex (JKA), opened in August of 2009 with a project cost of $34 million dollars, consists of three four-story apartment buildings on the upper campus of Bloomsburg University. The 540 bed facility features fully furnished, four-person, single-bedroom, air conditioned apartments with two bathrooms and a kitchen. Laundry facilities are also conveniently located on each floor of the complex. A community building for apartment residents holds a lounge with a fireplace, mailboxes, two conference rooms, staff offices and a small fitness center. Parking is plentiful at JKA and the university shuttle service provides transportation for students to commute between upper and lower campus.

Coed living optional within each apartment.

Overview and Amenities

Access ControlCard-operated building and room access
LaundryFacilities located on on each floor
InternetHigh-speed University wireless (WiFi) network
TelevisionOne connection per bedroom
One connection in living room
FurnitureBedrooms include
— Bed with underneath storage
— Nightstand 
— Closet
— Desk with chair

Apartments include
— Table with 4 chairs
— Arm chair (x2)
— End table (x2)
— Coffee table
— Couch
— Media stand
AppliancesApartments include
— Refrigerator (15.5 ft3)
— Range
Room Dimensions*12' 0" x 10' 0" (≅ 120 ft2)
Carpet SizeN/A; Bedroom is carpeted
Mattress Size80" L x 36" W x 7" H
— Twin or Twin XL sheets suggested
Bed Height24"
Closet Size78" H x 42" W x 24" D
Air ConditioningYes
Dedicated ParkingYes
Meal PlanOptional

Electric utilities**
Gas hot water heat
Community building with fitness center
Campus shuttle service

Building names/codes:
A = West = Delaware
B = East = Monroe
C = North = Union

*Approximate dimensions; rooms may vary
**The utility fee is a one time per semester fee that appears on your university bill


Illustration of Mountain

About the Kozloff Apartments

Resident Assistants
Illustration of Mountain

Additional Resources

Freshman Housing Notice

We do not normally house new freshmen in Soltz Hall or in our on-campus apartments as we believe the best environment for new freshmen, or any new students who have not yet lived on-campus, is in a traditional residence hall. Students living in traditional residence halls with shared bedrooms are more likely to develop new relationships with people of diverse backgrounds, build a stronger sense of community, appreciate and respect the rights of others, and become involved in campus activities and organizations. All of which are important in their growth and development as young adults and to enhance their college experience.