AuD Audiology students posing for a photo in front of a fountain

Au.D. Audiology Year in Review ('23-'24)

Follow the CU-Bloomsburg Doctorate of Audiology students journey through the 2023-2024 academic year!

→ July 2023: The Au.D. Audiology Class of 2025 received their white coats during a ceremony at Frosty Valley Resort. The white coat symbolizes the competency to start clinical externships in their third year!

Audiology students receiving their White Coats

→ August 2023: We welcomed the incoming Class of 2027, one of the largest cohorts to date!

AuD Audiology students posing for a photo in front of a fountain

→ October 2023: Our Au.D. and IONM students giving personalized tours to undergraduate students. We're always ready to welcome and encourage the next generation of leaders in the field!

AuD Audiology students giving tours of a facility
Audiology students offering tours of facilities

→ October 2023: Our first- and second-year students were in the community performing hearing screenings on elementary students of all ages!

Audiology students taking a group photo in a school

→ October 2023: Members of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) club hosted a Halloween party with a costume contest and fun games! Check out these mummies! We certainly work hard, so we always try to find times to relax and unwind!

AuD Audiology students at a Halloween party
AuD Audiology students dressed up in Halloween costumes

→ November 2023: Our second-year students practiced balance evaluations on the Rotational Chair! This chair is specialized due to its ability to test at high frequencies, which can help identify peripheral and central etiologies. The rotational chair, one of about a dozen in the U.S. outside of the military, is used to test inner ear function and balance in a completely darkened chamber. Videonystagmography uses special goggles and infrared cameras to analyze eye movements to assist with diagnosing inner ear disorders.

AuD Audiology students using the Rotational Chair
AuD Audiology students using the Rotational Chair

→ November 2023: Our first-year students learning and practicing earmold impressions! Earmold impressions are sent to the manufacturer to create custom hearing aids, custom hearing protection, and more!

Audiology students working on creating earmolds
Audiology students working on creating earmolds

→ November 2023: Members of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) hosted a Friendsgiving for the first- and second-year students!

Audiology students eating a Thanksgiving meal
Audiology students eating a Thanksgiving meal

→ February 2024: Our second-year students practicing Elecetrocohleography (ECochG), an important diagnostic tool for a variety of disorders, commonly Meneire's Disease.

Audiology students conducting a test

→ March 2024: Our students got professional headshots for their portfolios by the CU-Bloomsburg photo club! Look how fancy!

Audiology student posing for a professional photo
Audiology student posing for a professional photo

→ April 2024: Some members of our SAA club got together and volunteered for The BIG Event! Each spring, student volunteers venture to more than 100 job sites across town and in local neighborhoods tackling a variety of chores such as raking, painting, gardening, mulching, removing debris, digging, and various spring-cleaning duties. The single-day community service event gives students the opportunity to say “thank you" to Bloomsburg area residents and show appreciation for the community we live, learn, and work in. Our SAA members spent their morning raking leaves for a community member!

Audiology students working at the BIG Event
Audiology students working at the BIG Event

→ April 2024: SAA hosted a custom badge reel event where students got to use their creativity skills on some awesome badge reels!

Audiology students creating badge reels

→ May 2024: Class of 2024 graduated and are now officially Doctors of Audiology! Congratulations!

Audiology students at their graduation