Student Research in Mathematics


Andrew Clickard and professor pose for photo.

Andrew Clickard, a 2022 math graduate from Bloomsburg University, and Barry Minemyer, an associate professor of mathematics, completed an undergraduate research project during Andrew’s junior year of college. Their research paper, titled “Synthetic Geometry in Hyperbolic Simplices”, was published in the mathematics journal Involve, which is widely considered to be among the top undergraduate math journals in the world. Andrew presented his research at several national and regional math conferences, and was awarded an “Outstanding Student Paper Presentation Award” at the 2021 MAA Mathfest.


Max Norfolk at commencement.

Max Norfolk, who earned a computer science degree and a math minor from Bloomsburg University in 2022, and William Calhoun, a professor of mathematics, completed an undergraduate research project titled “The Cost of an Integer.” Their research paper was published in the very well-respected Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal. Max also presented this research at the Fall 2022 EPADEL meeting of the Mathematical Association of America.


James Sharpe and professor posing for a photo

James Sharpe, a senior mathematics major at Bloomsburg University, and Chris Lynd, an associate professor of mathematics, recently had their research published in The American Mathematical Monthly. This is the most widely read math journal in the world. The paper was titled “Sequences Generated by Powers of the kth-order Fibonacci Recurrence Relation.” This research was also presented at the 2018 national conference of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.


Devyn Lesher and professor in campus computer lab.

Devyn Lesher, a mathematics major at Bloomsburg University, and Chris Lynd, an associate professor of mathematics, recently had their research published in Mathematics Magazine. The paper was titled “Convergence Results for the Class of Periodic Left Nested Radicals.” Devyn and Dr. Lynd presented this research at the 2014 Southeastern Sectional Conference of the American Mathematical Society. Dr. Lynd also presented this research at the 2015 national conference of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.