M.S. Athletic Training Students and Faculty

M.S. Athletic Training Year in Review

Follow the CU-Lock Haven M.S. Athletic Training students journey through the 2023-2024 academic year!

→ July 2023: We welcomed our MS-AT Class of 2025 cohort to Commonwealth University - Lock Haven in July. To take their first class: Fundamentals in Athletic Training. They had the opportunity to participate in ice breakers, concussion evaluations, and some down time relaxing at a pool.

M.S Athletic Training Students practicing course work
M.S Athletic Training Students in a classroom
M.S Athletic Training Students pose for picture

→ August 2023: Due to the generous donations from our alumni, friends, and families to the Porter Student Success Fund, all students received a stocked medical bag that they could use on clinicals.

M.S. Athletic Training Students presenting funded bags

→ September 2023: Our students were busy at clinicals in the fall. Here is a group of them gearing up for a football game.

M.S Athletic Training Students take picture on CU-Lock Haven field

→ October 2023: Two of our faculty entered into the Health and Exercise Science Department's faculty Halloween costume contest and were this year's winners!

M.S Athletic Training Students in costumes

 → November 2023: Our 1st and 2nd year students gained experience covering the NCAA Division II Regional Cross Country Championships.

M.S Athletic Training Students on the CU-Lock Haven field

 → November 2023: The 1st year cohort had the opportunity of being an active participant for our guest speaker, Dr. Jason Madigan who spoke on Functional Movement Screenings and Injury Prevention. The students also had the opportunity to practice their casting skills.

M.S Athletic Training Students exercising
M.S Athletic Training Students practicing field work

 → December 2023: The Athletic Training club held their annual holiday party. Lots of food, gift exchanges, and semester stories were shared prior to going home for the winter break.

M.S Athletic Training Students at dinner

 → February 2024: Our MS-AT students participated in the DEI Winter Carnival Networking Social at the University. After learning about the DEI Commissions and resources, many of the students gravitated to watching a magician present and/or getting a personal caricature drawing.

M.S Athletic Training Students at a table

 → April 2024: Mr. Scott Devore, Athletic Trainer/Preceptor at Bald Eagle Area High School and one of the most recent EATA Athletic Trainers of the Year recipient, engaged the class in upper extremity mobilizations, manual therapy techniques, and tapings.

M.S Athletic Training Students getting a demonstration

 → April 2024: Every year the 1st year students take an annual field trip to the University's pool for Aquatic Therapy lab. This lab is always a favorite lab in Therapeutic Interventions II. The students go through a warm-up with their professor and then are tasked with teaching each other exercises for different pathologies.

M.S Athletic Training Students in pool

 → April 2024: Our 1st and 2nd year students participated in Commonwealth University's College of Health Professions Interprofessional Education Day. This was a day filled with interaction amongst our AT students, nursing students, Pre-PT students, Pre-OT students, and Social Work students. They had opportunities to participate in case studies together, listen to a few faculty presentations, an alumni panel, a LGBTQ+ panel, and present their own research via poster presentations.

M.S Athletic Training Students taking picture
M.S Athletic Training Student presents research

 → April 2024: The 1st year students all became trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid through the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. The training the students went through will help them develop a plan for adolescents in both crisis and non-crisis situations.

M.S Athletic Training Students posing for picture

 → May 2024: Our 2nd years came back from their immersive clinicals to participate in our annual Colloquium, where they present their capstone project and give an overview of their experiences at their immersive clinical site. That evening is our annual AT Banquet where scholarships, awards, and completion certificates are presented to the AT students.

M.S Athletic Training Students around a table with a presentation on screen
M.S Athletic Training Students take a picture

 → May 2024: Prior to graduation, it is tradition to gather for lunch at one of the AT faculty's river lot. Although it was a bit chilly this year, it was nice to remanence on their journey and wish them well in their future endeavors.

M.S Athletic Training Students on porch with dog

 → May 2024: The last group picture of the Class of 2024 before they set off on their new path!

M.S Athletic Training Students Pre-Graduation
M.S Athletic Training Students on Graduation