PRP 7650 - Faculty Exchange Statement
Issued By: JoAnne S. Growney, Acting Provost and VPAA
Effective Date: June 10, 1981
Notes: Originally approved by Council of Academic Deans and endorsed by President's Council. Endorsed by Board of Trustees, June 10, 1981. Reapproved by President's Cabinet, April 30, 1984.
Faculty members engaged in any exchange program will remain the employees of their own institution as if their employment were continuous. They will be responsible to their own president, who may, however, delegate the appropriate authority regarding day-to-day matter to the president of the host institution.
Salaries and fringe benefits will be the responsibility of the employing institution and will apply as though the employees had continuous employment. Nothing in this arrangement shall affect superannuation payments, medical benefits, or any other contractual rights of the employees. In academic matters, however, faculty will be governed by practices, policies, and procedures of the host institution, modified by any specific arrangements which may be established. In all personnel matters, the faculty will be treated as visitors to the host institution and not as employees.
The cost of the faculty members' transportation to the host institution and return may be paid by the employing institution, provided funds are available for that purpose. All costs of accompanying family members shall be assumed by the faculty members. Visiting faculty will normally pay for their own board and accommodations. Any exchange of houses and vehicles will be a private matter between faculty members.