PRP 5572 - Duplicating and Print Shop Policy

Issued by: Robert J. Parrish, V.P. for Administration
Effective Date: 05/08/89


All Submissions for Printing or Duplicating Must be Accompanied with a Completed Work Request.

1. Use of Facilities Duplicating services are available for all academic and nonacademic units of the University as well as to all recognized student groups, provided that the requests for these services have an obvious and direct relationship to the central mission of the University. Religious and political materials must contain the name of the sponsoring group and a disclaimer that the materials represent the views of the group and not of the University. Use of facilities to such organizations must be equally open to all groups, not favoring one group over another. Also, marginal costs such as poster board and duplicating paper are to be borne by the sponsoring organization. The duplicating office does not provide service for non-university groups.

2. Duplicating Lead Times - The following lead times (delivery of material to Duplicating) are established to ensure that jobs can be scheduled and delivered on a timely basis:

ApplicationsLead Time
TestsPhone scheduled 10 days before needed; will give same day turn- around on agreed-upon date.
News and Sports ReleasesPhone Scheduled
Classroom Handouts3 Working Days
Workbooks2 Months
Promotion Application Materials10 Working Days
Tenure Materials10 Working Days
Student Resumes3 Working Days
Administrative Materials3 Working Days
Fraternity, Sorority Newsletters10 Working Days
Extended Programs Conference HandoutsPhone Scheduled, 1 Month
Athletic ConferencesPhone Scheduled, 1 Month

3. Offset Printing Lead Times

 Lead Time / Input Due Day
CommuniqueNoon Monday for Wednesday a.m. delivery
This WeekNoon Wednesday for Monday a.m. delivery
General Publications10 Working Days
Theater Programs12 Working Days
Playoff ProgramsPhone scheduled, one week in advance or as soon as location is known
Celebrity Artist Programs12 Working Days
Extended Programs Brochures1 Month
Camp Brochures1 1/2 Months
Letterhead1 Month

4. Any printing job that is a second print run of a previously completed job will carry a set-up fee.