PRP 3565 - Graduate Academic Progress, Probation, and Dismissal

Issued by: Wilson G. Bradshaw, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Effective Date: 6/3/97
Notes: Endorsed by Graduate Council November 5, 1990. Endorsed by the Bloomsburg University Curriculum Committee November 14, 1990. Presented as an information item to the University Forum January 30, 1991. Graduate Council voted to modify on October 19. 1994. Approved by BUCC January 18, 1995. Presented to Forum 2/1/95. Reviewed by BUCC February 12, 1997. Presented to Forum April 2, 1997.


  1. Satisfactory Progress

    Satisfactory academic progress at the graduate level is evaluated on the basis of several criteria

    a. a graduate student's ability to earn the minimum of credit hours necessary to the degree program
    with a minimum quality point average of 3.0. A grade of less than C (Q.P. less than 2.0) must be repeated.

    b. a second grade less than C (Q.P. less than 2.0) will result in automatic academic dismissal.

    c. a graduate student's ability to successfully meet the requirements at the appropriate time of all comprehensive examinations of the degree program with acceptable grades.

    d. a graduate student's ability to complete the thesis requirement of the degree program with a passing grade.

    Non-degree students (Category 510), except for those in Supervisory Certificate Programs, are excluded from consideration for satisfactory progress.

  2. Academic Probation

    a. A graduate student who is not maintaining an overall quality point average of 3.0 in one of the following student categories may request to attend on academic probation for one additional grading period (semester or summer):
    1) regular graduate students (Category 540)
    2) degree candidates (Category 550)
    3) non-degree students (Category 510) in Supervisory Certificate Programs

    Enrollment is limited to a maximum of nine semester hours for the grading period in probationary status. A student on academic probation is not eligible to hold a graduate assistantship. To be removed from academic probation, a graduate student with a quality point average deficiency must attain the minimum overall quality point average of 3.0 as required by the School of Graduate Studies for regular graduate students and degree candidates. A student who attains a 3.0 QPA or higher for the first grading period in academic probationary status, but does not attain the overall QPA as required, may be recommended by his/her academic advisor, the graduate program coordinator, and the department chairperson to the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research for continuation on probation for one additional grading period.

    b. A graduate student who receives a failing or unacceptable grade, as defined in advance by the department administering the graduate program, in any Comprehensive Examination will be placed on academic probation. Students will be allowed a maximum of two reexaminations unless the program requirements are more restrictive, in which case the maximum permitted by the program will prevail. Prior to re-examination, the student must meet with his/her examination committee or its representatives to discuss deficiencies and steps to be taken to correct them. Reexamination normally would be only once during a term or semester unless the student requests expedited reexamination in order to meet a graduation deadline. A student who passes a reexamination is automatically removed from probationary status.

    c. Graduate students who submit a master's thesis which receives a failing grade may not attend on academic probation.

  3. Duration Of Degree Work

    Full-time graduate students are expected to complete their programs of study within two calendar years of continuous enrollment. However, all requirements for a master's degree, including any courses accepted by transfer, must be completed within six calendar years. A student who is unable to complete degree requirements within six calendar years may be dismissed upon recommendation to the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research by the academic advisor, program coordinator, and department chairperson. Students who fail to register for any courses over a two-year period will automatically be placed in an inactive category and must reapply to the graduate program. The period for completion of a master's degree may be extended for sufficient reason. Written application for extension must be made to the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research prior to the end of the six-year period.

  4. Academic Dismissal

    A graduate student not maintaining satisfactory progress, who is not permitted to enroll in probationary status, is excluded from registration and his/her academic record is marked "academic dismissal." Dismissal is automatic if the overall QPA is below the minimum after two grading periods in probationary status or after failing to pass the Comprehensive Examination two times while n probationary status. A graduate student under academic dismissal is not eligible to attend courses offered in the School of Graduate Studies for a period of at least one calendar year. A dismissed graduate student may, after a period of one year, reapply to the School of Graduate Studies in order to undertake studies in a new degree program or to further his/her studies in a non-degree status. A dismissed graduate student is not permitted to register for any courses offered by the program from which he/she was dismissed. Under exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, a program may readmit a dismissed student. In the latter instance, the normal six-year limitation for expired courses shall be applied.

  5. Procedures

    Graduate students who fail to meet the minimal standards for satisfactory progress will be notified by the Registrar's Office and/or the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research. Failure to request academic probation will result in academic dismissal (see above). Such students may submit a request in writing to their academic advisors to attend on academic probation. Upon recommendation of the academic advisor, graduate program coordinator, department chairperson, and approval by the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, probationary status will be granted. Exceptions to these procedures under extraordinary circumstances will be by written request to the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research.

  6. Appeals

    Graduate students dismissed for academic reasons may appeal their dismissal within one year, in writing, to the Graduate Council. The decision of the Council is final.