PRP 3222 - Undergraduate Degree Programs

Issued by: JoAnne S. Growney, Acting Provost and VPAA
Effective Date: June, 1984

  1. The only undergraduate degree programs that may be offered by Bloomsburg University are those that have been approved by the external and internal program approval process (see 3230). The tabular listing below is the official listing of approved degree programs. Only those programs listed as active may have students admitted to them. Those listed as inactive are of three types: (a) those which have never been activated; (b) those which have been deactivated but have students still working in them; (c) those which have been deactivated and have no students working the them. In order to be reactivated, a program must go through the internal program approval process.
  2. Unless indicated otherwise in the footnotes, the official external approval for degree programs listed is based on the omnibus list of programs attached to the letter from John C. Pittenger, Secretary of Education, to James H. McCormick, President of Bloomsburg State College, dated September 1, 1976.
  3. The program nomenclature indicated below is the official Bloomsburg University nomenclature which must be used on the student's academic record and on all brochures, catalogues, and other materials. When abbreviations are developed, the official abbreviation of a nomenclature shall be indicated by underlining the letter not part of the abbreviation.
  4. The nomenclature indicated in column five, "Options Within Major", have been approved by the internal approval process. They are primarily for advisement purposes but also appear on the student's academic record as information items.
  5. The footnotes give additional information in complex situations.
  6. The six-digit code in column seven is the "Classification of Instructional Programs" code assigned to degree programs through the external approval process.
  7. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall determine which college shall offer a degree program and which department(s) shall be responsible for offering the major. A special authorization shall be required whenever more than one college offers the same degree program.

The abbreviations used below are as follows:

Column two:

  • AS = Associate in Science
  • AAS = Associate in Applied Science
  • BA = Bachelor of Arts
  • BSBA = Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
  • BS = Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • BSOA = Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
  • BSEd = Bachelor of Science in Education

Column three: A=Active, I=Inactive (Ia = Never Activated; Ib = Deactivated but with students still working in them; Ic = Fully Deactivated.)

Column seven: CIP - Classification of Instructional Programs