PRP 2450 - Use of University Property and Facilities

Issued by: John Loonan, Vice President for Administration & Finance
Effective Date: September 26, 2018
Approved by CCA 12/7/1983; by RAX 2/15/84, as amended; by RA 2/19/84; by Council of Trustees 3/28/84; Revision approved by President’s Cabinet 11/18/85; Revision 2 approved by Cabinet 9/18/87; Revision approved by Cabinet 9/9/88; Revision & Reviewed by GAC 4/5/18; Approved by Forum 9/26/18

A. Policy - Use of University Areas and Facilities

  1. Uncontrolled exploitation of campus areas and facilities is prohibited at the university.
  2. Controlled noncommercial and commercial use of campus areas and facilities is allowed for purposes other than budgeted instruction, research and service activities, provided that such use contributes to the purposes of the university to more than an incidental degree and is not in competition with university programs.
  3. "Controlled use" is defined as a use which complies with university rules and charge schedules. A use which contributes to the "purpose of the university" is defined as a use which advances educational, community or Commonwealth interests.
  4. Initial determinations of whether proposed uses of university areas and facilities meet the above criteria will be made by the university facilities administrators who have been delegated responsibility for managing specific campus areas and facilities in accordance with university rules and other written administrative directives.
  5. Applicants who are not satisfied with determination made by persons responsible for administering campus areas and facilities may appeal such determinations to the Assistant Vice President of Facilities.
  6. Determinations made by the Assistant Vice President of Facilities as to the suitability of a proposed use of campus areas and facilities or user classifications shall be final, except insofar as requesting party alleges that determinations for use of facilities made by the Assistant Vice President violated rules, or state or federal law. Persons making such allegations may appeal the decision to the Vice President of Administration and Finance.
  7. Due to the need to allow adequate time for university departments to schedule their Fall and Spring Semester programs, it will not be possible to commit to non-university users until May 15 each calendar year.
  8. The University guarantees the use of facilities for outside groups for no longer than five consecutive calendar days. Any outside group wishing to use facilities for more than five days may do so on the following basis:
    (a) The outside group must specify which five days are most important so that particular time span is not interrupted. Reassignment or cancellation of space may be based upon the needs of university programs, maintenance and repair requirements, inadequate staffing or other reasons related to the orderly conduct of the university. The university may refuse use of facilities to applicants based upon lack of suitable facilities, current or previous failure of the applicant to abide by the terms and conditions of facilities use, or lack of substantial contribution of the proposed activity to the mission and purposes of the university
    (b) The university may cancel previously reserved space with sixty days’ notice prior to use.
    (c) The university may also reassign space reservations to other facilities on campus.

B. Procedures

  1. The Assistant Vice President of Facilities may delegate responsibility for administration of this policy.
  2. In general, priority for the use of areas and facilities will be given to those users and activities that advance the purpose of the university to the greatest degree. Scheduled instruction, research and service activities provided in the university budget shall have first priority for use of academic facilities. Student generated activities have first priority for use of facilities which are designated primarily for student use.
  3. Facility users will use the EMS Campus Reservation System and be in compliance with PRP 2410 – Background Screening, Protection of Minors, and Volunteerism.
    (a) University facilities administrators may approve requests from university and direct support organizations. Notification of such approved requests will be forwarded to the Vice President on a weekly basis.
    (b) University facilities administrators may tentatively reserve facilities requested by organizations and individuals outside the university. After a tentative reservation has been made, each request that is recommended for approval will be forwarded to the Assistant Vice President of Facilities on the Facilities Use Contract (attachment 1). University facilities administrators will not forward requests to the Assistant Vice President if the facility is not available, or if the request does not meet the requirements outlined in this policy.
  4. No group should make assumptions related to space usage until a confirmation from EMS is received via email.

C. Schedule of Costs

  1. In consultation with the Assistant Vice President of Facilities and other appropriate university personnel, the Vice President for Administration and Finance will follow the current fee schedules of costs for the use of facilities (attachment).

D. Special Provisions

  1. The unregulated use of unsafe items, materials and processes is prohibited.
  2. Bloomsburg University will, at its discretion continue to host special athletic contests such as playoff games and tournaments. University sponsored events will receive priority consideration.