Procedure 02-100: Nominating and Granting Emeritus Status

Procedure 02-100: Nominating and Granting Emeritus Status

Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania

  • Responsible Office: Office of the President
  • Approved: Vice President for Administration
  • Revised: N/A

1. Procedure Purpose

This procedure lays out the steps for nominating and considering a University employee for emeritus status, as well as detailing the privileges granted those who are granted emeritus status.

2. Content of Nominations

This policy applies to all retired or resigned faculty members, managers and administrators, noninstructional employees, and athletic coaches of the University.

2.1. Nominations for emeritus status must include a summary of the individual’s noteworthy teaching, scholarly, professional or other activities at the University, to include personal contributions beyond regular teaching duties, assigned duties or longevity of service, that enhance the reputation of the University or make significant major contributions to the University or the individual’s profession.

3. Procedure for Nominating Faculty for Emeritus Status

3.1. For faculty to be considered for emeritus status, they must be nominated by a majority vote of the academic or other department the faculty member served in at the time of retirement or resignation within a year of the retirement or resignation of the faculty member.

3.2. The Chair of the department will forward the nomination of the faculty member, with comments if desired, to the Dean of the College.

3.3. The Dean of the College will forward the nomination, with comments if desired, to the Provost.

3.4. The Provost will forward the nomination, with comments if desired, to the President of the University, including any request for an exception to the time limitation for nomination for emeritus status.

4. Procedure for Nominating Athletic Coaches for Emeritus Status

4.1. For athletic coaches to be considered for emeritus status, they must be nominated by a majority vote of the athletic coaches at the campus the coach served at the time of retirement or resignation within a year of the retirement or resignation of the faculty member.

4.2. The Athletic Director of the relevant campus will forward the nomination of the athletic coach, with comments if desired, to the campus administrator overseeing campus athletics.

4.3. The campus administrator or other designed individual will forward the nomination, with comments, to the President of the University, including any request for an exception to the time limitation for nomination for emeritus status.

5. Procedure for Nominating Noninstructional Employees

5.1. For noninstructional employees to be considered for emeritus status, they must be nominated by a majority vote of the department the employee served in at the time of retirement or resignation within a year of the retirement or resignation of the employee.

5.2. The department supervisor will forward the nomination, with comments, to the division vice president.

5.3. The division vice president will forward the nomination, with comments, to the President of the University, including any request for an exception to the time limitation for nomination for emeritus status.

6. Procedure for Granting Manager or Administrator Emeritus Status

6.1. For managers or administrators to be considered for emeritus status, they must be nominated by a majority vote of the department the employee served in at the time of retirement or resignation within a year of the retirement or resignation of the employee.

6.2. The department supervisor will forward the nomination, with comments if desired, to the appropriate division vice president.

6.3. The division vice president will forward the nomination, with comments if desired, to the President of the University, including any request for an exception to the time limitation for nomination for emeritus status.

7. Privileges Afforded to Emeritus Upon Request

7.1. An email account administered by the University that designates the individual as an emeritus of the University.

7.2. A University identification card that designates the individual as an emeritus of the University.

7.3. A parking pass for select events and activities.

7.4. Access to campus publications.

7.5. Access to office space and use of facilities will be provided based on availability and the justification of ongoing voluntary or scholarly activities, as determined by the President or their designee.

8. Related Information

8.1. Related Policies: Interim Policy on Emeritus Status

8.2. Related Procedures: N/A

8.3. Related Forms: Emeritus Nomination Forms

8.4. Frequently Asked Questions: Frequently Asked Questions on Emeritus Status available from the Office of the President

8.5. Other Related Information: N/A

9. Responsible Office and Contact

9.1. Responsible Office: Office of the President

9.2. Procedure Approved by: Vice President for Administration

9.3. Contact Information: Vice President for Administration

9.4. Email:

9.5. Telephone: 570-389-4526

10. Procedure History

10.1. Procedure History: Issued as a new procedure on April 4, 2024

10.2. Procedure Update/Review Summary: "N/A"