Commonwealth University president appointed to DRIVE Board of Directors

DRIVE is a five-county regional economic development Council of Governments - a collaboration between the County Commissioners of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union counties. DRIVE provides professional services to help businesses create and retain family-sustaining jobs. The board of directors provides a forum for communication and coordination of economic development activity.
"I look forward to serving on the DRIVE Board," Hanna said. "DRIVE is a tremendous resource for businesses and employers in the Central Susquehanna Valley region. Collaborative partnerships across industries, such as those fostered by DRIVE, are critical to developing and meeting the workforce skills and educational opportunities necessary to sustain economic development in the region."
Originally formed by the commissioners of Montour and Columbia counties, DRIVE serves as a single point of contact for businesses interested in relocating or expanding within the Susquehanna Valley. The DRIVE team serves as a regional spokesperson on economic development and also offers project management services. DRIVE facilitates new business development and expansion of current industry by collaboration with state and local partners and supporting workforce development and educational programs in the area.
"We are excited to bring Dr. Hanna's vision and insight to the DRIVE board," said Jennifer Wakeman, DRIVE's executive director. "Economic development is rapidly changing, and having a leader of Dr. Hanna's caliber will inform the work that we do now and into the future."
Hanna will serve a three-year term on the board, from January 2023 to January 2026.